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Rehab And Recovery: 3 Reasons Why Owning A Shower Chair Is Great

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Living with limited mobility is no easy task, whether it's temporary or lifelong. From going to work to moving throughout your home, simple tasks become difficult challenges; one of the most frustrating of these is bathing.

If you're one of the 3.6 million Americans who use a wheelchair, or a part of the 11.6 million who rely on canes and walkers, getting in and out of the bathtub or shower is a mountain of a job. The risks associated are inherently much higher: you could slip, fall, and otherwise injure yourself with little to no difficulty, so extra care must be taken to ensure your bathing experience is a safe one. Let's take a look at three advantages of using a rehab shower chair in your home.

  • Safety: Shower chairs offer stability in an unstable environment. When movement is already limited, managing wet floors and surfaces can become stressful; since bathing should be as relaxing as it is purifying, including a shower chair can make the experience enjoyable rather than fraught with panic. You'll have something to hold onto, something to sit on, and -- most importantly -- something that gives a little bit of your power back.

  • Accessibility: Those who depend on wheelchairs and canes to get around often can't access places that those with full mobility take for granted. Hefting your leg over a bathtub, for instance, is a complicated and frustrating battle for individuals who can't move as easily. With a shower chair, you'll be able to transfer directly from your wheelchair into the shower chair, making the bathtub extremely more accessible.

  • Increased Independence: Often, those with limited mobility need to rely on friends, family members, and aides to get basic tasks done. Shower chairs, while not miracle devices, can make a huge difference in opening up the door to independence. Bathing is an intensely personal experience and having to share the space with a family member can make people feel weak and helpless. Shower chairs give some of that power back.

Your independence doesn't have to end due to mobility issues; with the proper equipment -- including folding wheelchairs, canes, and rehab shower chairs -- you can hold onto your own personal slice of freedom. By offering support, rehab shower chairs allow individuals to relax in a place that was previously a bit frightening; it's time to get yours today and let that fear go.