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What You Ought to Consider When Buying a Wheelchair

What You Ought to Consider When Buying a Wheelchair

Jan 18th 2024

One of the benefits of buying a wheelchair is that it increases the accessibility of so many places near you. It allows you to go to your favorite diner for breakfast every morning. It helps you get to church on time every Sunday. It makes you self-reliant. Buying a wheelchair should be done with caution since you are giving whatever you buy the responsibility of supporting you and taking you from place to place. When purchasing a wheelchair, these are the factors you ought to consider.
When human beings aren't talking, eating, or sleeping, they're moving. Life is not static, and much like it, we, too, are always on the move.

Statistics show that close to 10% of the world's population is living with a disability. However, this doesn't have to limit them to a static world. Being unable to walk should never mean losing your independence. It should never make you stop moving.

One of the benefits of buying a wheelchair is that it increases the accessibility of so many places near you. It allows you to go to your favorite diner for breakfast every morning. It helps you get to church on time every Sunday. It makes you self-reliant.

Buying a wheelchair should be done with caution since you are giving whatever you buy the responsibility of supporting you and taking you from place to place. When purchasing a wheelchair, these are the factors you ought to consider.

a) Your Body Weight and Build

When buying a wheelchair, you should keep your mass, size, and shape in mind. Different wheelchairs are made to handle different body weights. If you choose one you are too heavy for, this will overwork the bearings for wheelchairs, and this will wear them out.

Gender and height are also important considerations that a sales associate would take into account before picking out a wheelchair for you. If you can, meet with a mobility pro to tell you what options are most realistic and viable.

b) Your Medical Needs

It is essential to think about the reason you need to use a wheelchair. For example, this may touch on your strength and endurance levels, which will help you pick between manual and electric options. If you're strong enough to operate a wheelchair, then a manual option would be a good option.

Most models are fitted with ball bearings for wheelchairs, which help reduce rotational friction and support your weight, for both manual and electric wheelchairs. This means that you will find a wheelchair adequately suited for your medical needs.

c) Your Day-to-Day Activities

For obvious reasons, your lifestyle and habits should influence your choice of a wheelchair. If you plan to use your chair all through the day, you ought to look for a wheelchair that can support you for such long periods while providing a comfortable seat. Under such circumstances, you can, for example, purchase a model fitted with ceramic bearings for wheelchairs, which help save energy due to reduced friction, and last three to five times longer than other types of ball bearings.

d) The Terrain of the Land

Some buyers may need wheelchairs only for use in their homes, or only when they are going out to shop. Others may want to push themselves to work every morning. The lay of the land where you live, or where you plan to use your wheelchair, should inspire your choice.

Wheelchairs are designed and built differently for use in specific terrains. Different variations in wheels, shocks, bearings for wheelchairs, and comfort have been made to allow people to have wheelchairs that expertly cover their needs.

e) Your Personal Preference

When buying a wheelchair, do not discount your idea of what looks good and what works for you. Your new chair is a long-term investment in access and mobility. It is your bridge to an active lifestyle.

Consult your friends and members of your family that use mobility devices for their experiences with their own devices. You can use this first-hand information to make your decision on what chair to buy.

Now You Have a Wheelchair!

After buying your folding wheelchair, you ought to remember that, like all other “vehicles,” it needs to be maintained. Wheelchair maintenance depends on the model of the wheelchair and the type of use you subject it to. You should check the pressure of your tires once every month, as well as the brakes, the backrest, and all its moving parts.

Bearings for wheelchairs should not be lubricated; this explains why their brackets are usually sealed. These brackets typically have a lubricant inside, and the seal helps keep it there until it is all used up. At this point, your ball bearings will become more susceptible to wear and tear, and you should have them replaced.